MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica – It was a glorious evening under the stars when Empress Denise Isis Miller, ‘Sister of Ceremonies’, graced the Red Bones Blues Café stage, speaking an affirmation to signal the start of The Conscious Reggae Party Garnet Silk Tribute on Friday April 4, 2014 at 8:30 p.m.
The programme was designed around the performers: Garnet Silk Jr., Aaron Silk, Heflah Nyah, Dann I, Papa D, Minouri, Natural Black, Timmy Talib and Thorpedo. In between set changes, ‘Messenjah’, Kevin Wallen, spoke eloquently on the topic “One Love Rebellion!” He called for more values to be practiced in the nation. ‘Reggaelutionary Speaker’, Sharon Parris-Chambers, gave a brief presentation entitled: “Hello Mama Africa: A Reggaelutionary Tribute to Garnet Silk and the Sacred Feminine”. Parris-Chambers, speaking with her soul mate in mind said “Garnet Silk was a visionary messenger whose music sustained us, balanced us and guided us with songs such as: Bless me, Mama Africa, Kingly Character, Love is the answer, Keep then talking, Nothing can divine us, Place in your heart, Be my lady, Advantage, Bless me”.

Garnett Silk
The audience continued to swell and morph into a large crowd at the peak of the evening when Aaron Silk gave his command performance; an unforgettable set. He performed a few of his original songs and rendered some of Garnet’s songs such as: Zion In a Vision, Mama Africa, It’s Growing and Bless I Oh Jah. The audience got a taste of his forthcoming album Herb Tree with tracks such as I Rise, Empress and Family Stable.
Outstanding and memorable performances also came from Papa D, Nature and Natural Black. Garnet Silk Junior, 19 yrs. of age, whom Isis- Miller said had matured musically over this past year, delivered his songs with near perfection and emanated an inimitable stage presence representative of his visionary father.
Before performing songs made famous by his father, A Place in Your Heart and Nothing can Divide Us, Silk Junior performed some of his original songs, Jah Chosen Few and Lady Divine. Papa D set the pace with a high-energy performance with the songs Jamaica Jamaicans, Walking on The Rainbow, Earth Rightful Ruler, The 23rd Psalm and Girl Like You.
During Natural Black’s set Turbulance did a cameo performance which earned them an encore with the rendering of his popular song “Far From Reality”.
The evening ended around 2:20 p.m. and patrons stayed for the entire show. The next Conscious Reggae Party will be held May 2, 2014 at Café Africa and will be a fundraising bon voyage party for the Gambia Roots International Homecoming Festival to be staged May 9-17, 2014. For more information on the lineup of artists, please contact the hotline at 876-554-8969.
The Conscious Reggae Party, now in its third year, was founded by Isis-Miller, producer of Rassis International, the production was staged in collaboration with Simiya House in association with Kariang Productions.
The tribute commemorates Garnet Silk’s earth strong April 2, 1966 and continues to promote his musical legacy. Lovie Silk, Garnet’s widow and her family were on hand for the event and received the good wishes of the audience. Garnet Silk died December 9, 1994 while attempting to rescue his mother from a burning house.
The post Garnet Silk Tribute: Satisfies the Soul appeared first on South Florida Caribbean News.